Saturday, March 22, 2008

Molly Midyette Requests New Trial

I knew that Molly Midyette would appeal her conviction, but I didn't think she'd use the grounds that she was a battered wife. After all, she and Alex seemed very much in love in the months before the trial. But, I guess looks are deceiving.

I am very torn about this case. While I do think Molly bears a lot of responsibility for what happened to her son, I feel Alex was the one who inflicted the injuries that killed him. Molly should have put the baby's needs first and got away from Alex, but she stayed. I think Molly should be held accountable for her inactions as far as getting her son away from his abusive father, and I think prison time is most definitely in order for her. How much time? I don't know. I don't think that 48 years would be appropriate if she is truly a battered woman.

Here is the link to the story. Please let me know what you think.

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